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10 total results found


A repository of traditional and scientific information on medicinal plants.

DNA Repository

A comprehensive collection of DNA data resources for research, analysis, and discovery.


A curated list of publications relating to the overall domain of curative herbal remedies.

Human Genome Repository

Genetic Data Available

Human Genome Repository

Bio-Geographical Distribution

Human Genome Repository

Social Demographics Data

Human Genome Repository

Antiproliferative activity of ethyl acetate fraction of Euphorbia ingens against prostate cancer cell line: An in silico and in vitro analysis


Innocent Oluwaseun Okpako a,*, Florence Atieno Ng’ong’a b, CleophasMutinda Kyama c, Sospeter Ngoci Njeru d a Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation, Nairobi,Kenyab Depa...

Phytochemical analysis, in-vitro and in-silico study of antiproliferative activity of ethyl acetate fraction of Launaea cornuta (Hochst. ex Oliv. & Hiern) C. Jeffrey against human cervical ca


Inyani John Lino Lagu1*, Dorothy Wavinya Nyamai2 andSospeter Ngoci Njeru3* 1Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences,Technology and Innovation, Nairobi, Kenya, 2Department of Biochemistry, School o...

Sample Set

Human Genome Repository Social Demographics Data

Ethnic Group Sample ID SEX AGE MARITAL STATUS WORK EDUCATION LEVEL DO YOU SMOKE? DO YOU DRINK? DO  YOU  EXCERCISE Mijikenda MT/MK/04 MALE 55 Married Self Employee Primary Education No No Yes Mijikenda MT/M...